The COVID-19 Lockdown: Increased Online Religious Cult's Recruitment Drive

The leadership of a religious cult's creates followers by controlling an individual's mind than their body. Fundamental objectives of cult leaders are: 

1. Opposing critical thinking
2. Isolating members from family, profession and community and conditioning their mind's to follow and surrender toward the cult leader
3. Administring particular doctrines outside established scripture
4. Seeking inappropriate mental, emotional and physical loyalty to their leaders and cult
5. Dishonouring the family unit
6. Crossing social and ethical boundaries 
7. Separation from the established social and religious practices.  

Earlier in the 1960s, religious cults in North America grown steadily. It is also the time when hippy culture started. People attracted to these cults by renouncing families, friends, and career. They devoted all of their resources and energy to support and promote these cults. They either called devotees or volunteers worked endless hours in generating all possible luxuries and wealth for their leaders. However, these devotees/volunteers lived like slaves and in conditions seriously detrimental to their physical and mental health. 

The dangerous situation in the progressive communities and states and these preachings subjected to control the devotees/volunteers mind and loss of individual autonomy, and ultimately these converts become a robot with every thought and action controlled by the cult.   

The potential recruit induced to a brainwashing environment, where an individual's ability to choose to leave the cult freely usually destroyed. The brainwashing completely subordinates the will of some recruits to the cult's control. 

In liberal and democratic, states people has rights to persuade and attract new members to its ranks.
 By doing so religious cult proselytizes forces individuals to associate with the group by destroying the individual's ability to choose not to freely, a point also reaches when these groups misuse its free exercise rights to invade the individual's freedom of personal liberty. Such a position arrives when a cult uses brainwashing techniques to destroy a recruit's volitional capacity. Therefore, an individual whose right to exercise of free choice violated. 

The State and its law enforcement agencies have a fundamental duty to protect its citizens from brainwashing and liberty against the religious cult those abusing free exercise rights. 



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