
Showing posts from October, 2023

Mystical Connection

Mystical Connection: Similarities Between Indian Pitru Paksha and Irish Halloween The article explores the authentic origins of Halloween in Ireland, tracing it back to the ancient Celtic tradition of Samhain.   As I reside in the ancient traditional land of Ireland, particularly in County Meath, where the roots of Celtic civilisation originally sprouted and spread to various corners of the world, I'm fortunate to witness the rich historical tapestry that makes this region unique. The story of the authentic origins of Halloween in Ireland has been uncovered through the examination of evidence gathered from archaeological digs, legends, myths, and Celtic history. Irish folklore, deeply intertwined with the Celtic heritage that originates in these very lands, traces Halloween back to the ancient Celtic tradition of Samhain, which the old Irish aptly termed "summer's end." Samhain marked not only the conclusion of the harvest season but also the commencement of the New Y

Strained Ties: The Ongoing Challenges in India-Canada Relations

  In recent years, the India-Canada relationship has encountered a series of hurdles that have strained the diplomatic ties between the two countries. While both countries share common values of democracy and multiculturalism, a central turning point in their relations occurred when the Canadian Prime Minister accused India in the Canadian Parliament of killing a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil, expelling diplomats from both sides. This incident marked the beginning of a most challenging period in their diplomatic relations. The other recent incident that escalated tensions between the two countries was the August 2023 dispute over agricultural trade policies. Canada expressed concerns about India's restrictive trade policies, which adversely affected the export of Canadian agricultural products. On the other hand, India argued that these measures were necessary to protect its domestic agriculture sector. Negotiations have been ongoing, but a resolution is yet to be reached. Addi