
Showing posts with the label Mental Health

The crisis is not yet over

The COVID-19 epidemic in the country is not over. The negligence of physical distancing in public places is a matter of concern. The number of people infected with this virus in India exceeding over two hundred twenty-five thousand. India currently holds 7th position in terms of infected people in the world, with these trends India may leave behind Italy, the United Kingdom and Spain.                                    Perhaps in terms of per million casualties, India is a good example The rate of infection is increasing, it is clear that the epidemic that has arisen from this dangerous virus is penetrated in the communities, and we are not in a position to get rid of it soon. Despite this, it is a matter of relief for the people that more than one hundred thousand people in India have been cured, after defeating this disease and the rate of recovery from this infection has also reached close to 50 per cent. At the same time countries with strong public health infrastructure, the patie

The COVID-19 Lockdown: Increased Online Religious Cult's Recruitment Drive

The leadership of a religious cult's creates followers by controlling an individual's mind than their body. Fundamental objectives of cult leaders are:  1. Opposing critical thinking 2. Isolating members from family, profession and community and conditioning their mind's to follow and surrender toward the cult leader 3. Administring particular doctrines outside established scripture 4. Seeking inappropriate mental, emotional and physical loyalty to their leaders and cult 5. Dishonouring the family unit 6. Crossing social and ethical boundaries  7. Separation from the established social and religious practices.   Earlier in the 1960s, religious cults in North America grown steadily. It is also the time when hippy culture started. People attracted to these cults by renouncing families, friends, and career. They devoted all of their resources and energy to support and promote these cults. They either called devotees or volunteers worked endless hours in ge