Indian and Chinese Conflicts Leading Towards War

The Chinese have continuously deceived India in the name of peace and trade. In times of crisis, the Chinese government and its military have succeeded in instilling a false sense of trust in the Indian government and its agencies because of Indian desire to settle the matters peacefully. Whenever the Chinese government engaged in any negotiations with India, they were also scheming to seize Indian territories and, it has not only proven with India but also in case of Tibet and all other neighbouring countries of China. We can see in past and present all Chinese actions in a way a conspiracy towards India. 

Whenever the Chinese government engaged in any negotiations with India, they were also scheming to seize Indian territories

Sadly, Tibetans believed in India as they have chosen India for their guidance and protection of their cultural and territorial integrity, perhaps, India successfully protected their cultural and traditional values but have failed to free them from the clutches of Chinese incursion. In over six decades, the whole world and the UN system is not able to protect the Dalai Lama and Tibetans independence. 

the whole world and the UN system is not able to protect the Dalai Lama and Tibetans independence

It is impossible to believe in the Chinese assertion that India is against Chinese progress. A friendly hand always offered by Indian leadership since its independence first by Jawahar Lal Nehru followed by Rajeev Gandhi,  Atal Bihari Vajpayee Manmohan Singh, and also by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Their feelings and actions towards Chinese people show that although India has always considered China as a friend, yet the Chinese could not consider India as their friend. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping have met at least seventeen times since Narendra Modi become Prime Minister in 2014. These include meetings in each other's countries and on the sidelines of the multilateral summits. The Indian Prime Minister has visited China five times as it is highest in the last 70 years, which demonstrate India's desire in developing peaceful neighbourly relations with China.

There is nothing more left that India can do to convince China for goodwill and desire for friendship

The mindset of communists is that those who do not support their expansionist policies are their opponents.  India has been the only country that has repeatedly keep up to support granting of UN security council membership to China. India has made every possible effort to satisfy China. India has always endorsed China's justifiable views in the past and recently while dealing with even the current COVID-19 situation. Yet China is not convinced of our selflessness. China still looks at India with suspicion. For this reason, a mixed atmosphere of suspicion and hostility has existed in India-China relations. There is nothing more left that India can do to convince China for goodwill and desire for friendship. 

Chinese incursion in the Galwan Valley is indicative of China's unfriendly sentiments

The recent Chinese incursion in the Galwan Valley is indicative of China's unfriendly sentiments, by which China has not only been responding from the constant opposition by India to the Chinese advancing into the Indian side of the border. These actions do not suggest that India anymore consider them a friend.  It appears that these actions are from a potential enemy country.

Chinese expansions raising a serious question about the independent existence of Nepal

In such a backdrop, India has to pay attention to what new situation India will face as a result of China continuously expanding on Indian territories. In history, India has seldom worried about north-eastern borders. The Himalayan mountains have stood as an impenetrable wall for any threat from the north. There were such friendly countries in our neighbourhood as Tibet and Nepal which, never caused any trouble for India. Now, most worrying is recent Napalies actions about unilaterally changing their maps. India always considered all Nepalese people as brothers and sisters, but now India should worry more as Nepal may become another Tibet. As Chinese expansions raising a serious question about the independent existence of Nepal. 

In 1914, India made an agreement with Tibet which China never supported. With the entry of Chinese forces into Tibet, the Chinese government violated all the pledges that Tibet has made with India. At the same time, all those commercial and border agreements between India and Tibet also destroyed, based on these facts, there is no guarantee that  China would not repeat the same with Nepal. 

 The fundamental difference between India and China is authoritarianism VS democratic values

The fundamental difference between India and China is authoritarianism VS democratic values and China does not want to see the emergence of stronger India. A weak India suits to China for its economic and territorial interests around India and globe. The only solution for these problems is that not only India but the world need to reinforce its commitment for freedom and ruled based system.

India needs to defend its territorial sovereignty by forcing China to vacate Indian land

Immediately and short term India needs to defend its territorial sovereignty by forcing China to vacate Indian land which China occupied.  India's objectives should be for China to become a responsible neighbour to practice a rules-based international system. 

The world needs to reform the UN system and impose costs on such breaches and violations

India also needs to work in developing meaningful partnerships with like-minded countries to defend collectively whether threats are for public health,  economy or territorial independence or even aggression towards peaceful countries. The world needs to reform the UN system and impose costs on such breaches and violations. 


Unknown said…
The blog is quite interesting and I really appreciate the way you put all the stats together and make your blogs so meaningful.

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