Still Grim COVID-19 Situation in India

It looks like that there is a slight reduction in the numbers of COVID-19 patients in India due to lockdown and social distancing, but how accurate it is, nothing is known. There are millions of people who do not even know whether they are infected or not? Millions of people in rural India do not have access to testing. They are not going to the doctors only because health and medical services almost collapsed. The condition of hospitals is that wealthy businessmen and women, retired defence personals, retired ambassadors, well-known film stars and even families of civil servants and political leaders are dying in waiting for hospitalisation.

Regrettably, people are dying due to a lack of oxygen, and at the same time, black marketing of oxygen cylinders is happening. 

Indian health services providers and experts need to draw strategies and initiate stricter, science guided mitigation steps to curb the spread of COVID-19 and ensure accurate reporting of COVID-19 cases and deaths.

People who can pay any cost in getting a bed in a hospital are also crying. Those accustomed to living lavish lifestyle are also lying in the verandahs of the hospital. Thousands of people cannot get admission in hospitals, saving their lives by taking oxygen lying in their car or on a handcart. It is regrettable that in these challenging times, black marketing medicines and oxygen happening across the country.  

Countries worldwide and Indian Diaspora from Europe and America are sending millions of dollars of COVID aid to India. Perhaps, the government is claiming that there is no shortage of oxygen, medicine or medical facilities, then why there is such chaos and mismanagement? 

The disease is sweeping from cities to villages, and another Mucormycosis, a rare infection spreading in COVID patients making another difficulty. The health experts believe that mucormycosis has an overall mortality rate of 50%.  

The current and historical mortality data, including age, gender, rural vs urban, and comorbidities on COVID-19-related severity data at different time points, are necessary to understand the transmission and clinical dynamics of the virus. 

Data must be available in real-time for researchers to analyse and understand infection pathogenesis. A long-term strategy for monitoring COVID-19 infection is required to support the affected patients and guide plans for pandemic control. 

Our experts know how to control SARS-CoV-2 transmission. The current situation in India requires urgent, bold measures and close cooperation between India and the global community to mitigate further damage.



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