Reformer or Mad ?

Today I have read Agnivesh’s insensible comments in the Indian Newspapers to justify drinking of self-urine is a treatment, his comments ashamed humanity and civilization both. It could be a treatment for Agnivesh but defiantly not for any civilized person. He is pleading innocence of a person (school warden) who commits a crime on an innocent child, and hence person needs stringent punishment as per the law, without further delay. Senior management of the Institution also needs to be penalized as they ultimately failed to supervise and protect the health, dignity and the best interest of the child while the child was in their patronage. The practice which published now that may be common sense a long time, many children may be a victim of this warden and practice and suffered in silence. The government needs to maintain a register for people like this warden and child sex offenders. The state and national government must ensure that these criminals should not be employed again mainly if a job has any role to deal with children. This warden and Agnivesh seem me fit case to send them mental asylum.  

It is generally agreed that children are the future generation, the leaders of tomorrow and the potential flag bearers of any nation. To carry out duties, the child, therefore, has certain rights that must be protected and not be trampled upon or denied. In recognition of the socio-cultural and educational dimension of the child, the United Nations, European Union, UNICEF and Indian government joined efforts in advancing the protection of the right and well-being of children. Among other provisions, UNICEF and the Indian National Policy on Children grant following rights, these rights are universal and cannot deny:

  • Protection against indecent and inhuman treatment like abuse and neglect
  • Provision of a conducive environment to promote early stimulation to learning for the child
  • Entitlement of every child (male/female) to receive compulsory primary education and equal opportunity for higher education
  • Provisions of child-friendly principles/rules in all relevant institutions.

The hostel warden must charge for physical and emotional abuse of the child, and viswa Bharti (Institution) is responsible for the neglect of ensuring an abuse-free environment in their campus.



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